Monday, December 7, 2009


Greetings from Carmela's Cucina,

Yesterday was my annual cookie baking day with Kate and Jessie. We put the Christmas music on and got busy melting chocolate, beating, mixing and cutting out cookies, then frosting and decorating the tasty treats. When we were done we counted 9 different bars or cookies that we made. We tried to make at least 1 favorite of everyone in the family. While I still have some baking to do, we got a great start on this holiday tradition.

One of our favorites is Coconut Joys. I hope you will try it and like it as much as we all do.

Buon appetito,

Carmela Tursi Hobbins


1/2 cup (1 stick butter)
2 cup powdered sugar
3 cups coconut
melted chocolate (I use chocolate chips)
Red Hots

Melt butter in a saucepan. Remove from heat, add powdered sugar and coconut. Mix well. Shape rounded teaspoons of mixture into balls. Make a small hole in the center of each. Fill center with melted chocolate. Place a red hot on top. MAKES ABOUT 3 DOZEN.

Buon appetito,

Carmela Tursi Hobbins

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